MOB Hears of the Trials of Paul
A famous Revolutionary War tract began, “These are the times that try men’s souls.” St. Paul knew what it was like to go through long periods of trial, as the Men of Brandon Bible study group will learn in the month of March. We will study the long two-year period where Paul was unjustly held without formal charges being filed, as well as his trials before two Roman Governors, Felix and Festus. Felix wanted a bribe, and is famous for putting off faith in Jesus until he found it “convenient.” We will hear why Festus accused St. Paul of being out of his mind, and why after finally getting a hearing before King Agrippa, Paul was granted his request to have his case heard by Caesar himself. There is much we can learn about patience and how to witness our faith from these chapters in Acts, so men, please join us as we meet on Wednesday mornings for Bible study and fellowship time.